Saturday, February 1, 2014


Last week at the lake:

Pic Credit: Jenn Sy

This week:

Instead of walking, I've been reading:

  • Challenges undertaken for the greater good bind us to people. Challenges undertaken for personal comfort lead to isolation.
  • If you were to choose a logo for your life, what would you choose?
  • Do you like God?

  • It is God's presence, not comfortable circumstances, that brings people to their best versions of themselves.
  • Some people don't worry just occasionally. They worry recreationally.
  • No one becomes happy if their main goal is to be happy.
  • God designed us to delight in our actual lives. 
  • When you fail to become the person God designed, all the rest of us miss out on the gift you were made to give. 

1 comment:

My Thots said...

The last one is my favourite!