Saturday, March 29, 2014

Aud 11

I've sat in Auditorium 11 at Colossus twice this week to see a movie.
On Wednesday night it was the One Night Only showing of Elton John's "Million Dollar Piano" Las Vegas Show. Two hours of Elton and his band singing and playing their hits.

I knew every song.
I was one of the youngest guests in the audience.
I want to go to Vegas to see some live shows.

And tonight I was back in the same room to watch Noah:

I knew, because I'd be following some of the stars on Twitter, what to expect. Plus, I'd read some reviews, (and am familiar with the Biblical version) so I knew how it ended. So I wasn't upset and surprised that Aronofsky's story had a few extra details in it. Like rock monsters. Hahaha.

What I liked about it, was it got me thinking. 
About how hard it is sometimes to follow God. To know what He's called you to do, and then, against common sense, or popular opinion, to do it. Noah didn't have it easy. 

Following God isn't simple; it's hard/confusing work at times. And people may mock you. Or want to kill you, depending on where in the world you live. And sometimes it doesn't make sense at all. But being in the centre of His will, is the absolute best place to be. 

And being married to someone who has been called by God to do Big, Scary Things has its own challenges. You likely won't have a 'normal' life. 

Anyway, my 'take away' from the movie is the idea that God always supplies us with exactly what we need. We can trust Him to look after the details. He will equip us for the journey. 

And as per usual, and as expected, Emma Watson and Russell Crowe played their parts well. Love watching talented actors do their thing.

Three things I'm thankful for:

1. Surely I will not cough forever. This will end. Soon.
2. People who use their God-given talents. And do so with excellence. Be it with music, or with acting, or writing, or taking photos, or editing, or planting gardens, or teaching classes...
3. I'm also thankful that God is answering prayers. And that He lets me see what He's up to.

Shalom and so on.

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