Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Thankful for:

1. Clint arrived in Uganda safely.
2. So did his luggage.
3. Went to the Canuck's game tonight with a friend who won a set of Club Seat tickets.
4. Heel is healing - walked around Barnston Island on Sunday.
5. Had the energy to get through a busy Monday. (Took Clint to airport at 4 am. Worked. Visited my dad. Made a batch of soup. Took a bucket of it over to Max.)
6. Attended an afternoon church service with Drew and Danica on Sunday, then went out for dinner afterwards... Thankful for time spent with my kids.
7. A FUN, random, unexpected two nights in Seattle with my school bus-driving friend, and 47 young people.
8. A meaningful evening celebrating some friends birthdays; good food, deep conversation, prayer.
9. Lent. And the cross.
10. It's Spring.


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