Monday, October 31, 2016

Wrap Up

I blocked off this weekend to be with nobody and do nothing.
It's amazing that I feel guilty about that, half-way through Saturday evening.


D2 are back from their Palm Springs/ Disneyland honeymoon.
I picked them up from the airport at 11:30 pm on Wednesday night and fully intended to get a pic of them walking through those doors, but I was so happy to see them, I forgot.

The next evening, they opened up their gifts.
So. Much. Joy.

They're married.
My boy is a husband.

I know, right?


So he's all grown up while I?
I still go out one evening a week to catch Pokemon.

My Pokemon catching partner

There's a great tri-pokestop in New West on the Riverfront.
Right beside this tourist feature; The World's Largest Tin Soldier:

(For those of you who care/are competitive, I'm on Level 21 and have caught 81 different Pokemon.)


I haven't posted many wedding pics...
(Well, I haven't posted them HERE. They're all over Facebook. WHY ARE WE NOT FACEBOOK FRIENDS?)

And then the whole gang left.
The bride and her girls ran out into the rain to get into the limo.
Bride's parents followed in their car.
My mom was picked up by Daryl and Jule.
And my job of putting my hand in the tanks of the toilets to help them flush was over.

Drew called.
He couldn't find his belt.
And Nico couldn't find his tie.
Could I look for them (probably out in his truck) and bring them to the church?

So after finding the missing accessories, half an hour before the wedding was to start, I put on my dress, slapped on some make up and had a look at myself.


After spending the morning looking at the beautiful faces and tiny bodies of the bridal party through a camera lens AND IN REAL LIFE WITH BOTH EYES, it comes as an unwelcome shock to see one's own old, wrinkled, not-made-up-very-well head.



It's just me.
But I didn't want to look like me.
I wanted a better version to show up on my boy's wedding day.
I was hoping she'd have had the self discipline to STOP EATING EVERYTHING IN SIGHT, months before the big day.
I was hoping the hair would be WoW. And the face would have some spackle on it, to even out the bumps and hide the imperfections. And I really had thought I'd have fake eyelashes on.

But none of this came to pass.
And it was rainy and windy.
So even though I started the morning with an $80 hair appointment (since when don't they wash your hair when you go in for a fancy do?) I ended up at my boy's wedding with three-days-old dirty hair, a lot of hairspray and a poor cut (which he convinced me was perfect for my face shape) from three weeks ago that was completely wind blown and limp.

My choice of dress was unfortunate.
Completely unflattering in the daylight.

But the day was not about me.
So after allowing myself 3 minutes to cry, I drove myself over to the church, parked, grabbed the box filled with missing bits and pieces, put my best smile on, and ran into the lobby where people were waiting for their things.

And then it was time for Drewbs to usher me to my seat:

(Dress looks way better in black...)

(The rest of the pics were taken by my ex's younger brother, or Sandra. Apparently its poor form for the MOG to have a camera in her hand...)

My boy, seeing his girl for the first time that day, walk down the aisle.
Not a tear in sight. Just miles of smiles.

Three things I'm thankful for:

1. It was a beautiful day.
2. They. Are. Married.
3. And I'm thankful for this quiet, rest-filled weekend.


1 comment:

Tricia said...

Jane, you are beautiful...and not just on the outside. The dress is a great color on you, and if it didn't have that seam under the bust it would have been perfection. Dresses with a princess seam are your best friend. I know this because we have similar shapes. What a lovly wedding...I can't believe your youngest is married! When I first started reading your blog he was 14 I think.