Sunday, December 10, 2017

Plans That Go Awry.

Last Sunday, as I looked forward into the week ahead, I had Many Good Things planned. In fact, besides Monday night, when I was going to do laundry and finish moving myself into the basement, I anticipated being out every night doing something fun with a different friend.(The forecast was for NO RAIN, so that meant, there would be no rain. Haha. My favorite type of weather.)

Because life is not just about having fun, I double-purposed each evening, so that I was accomplishing something as well. So Monday night, while doing laundry, moving boxes from the top floor to the basement, I also moved Christmas boxes from the top floor to the main floor for my mom to sort. And I packed up my truck with flattened boxes from Drew and Dani's move on the weekend. (I would be delivering them to a friend on Tuesday night after seeing a movie.)

On Tuesday afternoon, I got a message, apologizing - but seeing a movie wasn't going to work for her. She had to cancel, could we reschedule?

But I had a truck full of boxes to deliver, so I went to Coquitlam anyway. And emptied my truck.

I came home and loaded up my truck again, this time with ten bags of mixed garbage left behind by Drew and Dani. I had hauled them up from the basement. And I put a couple boxes of baubles, that my mom was offering Clint, into my truck as well. I had made arrangements to meet with Clint on Wednesday night to put the garbage in his dumpster and bring the baubles to his office.

On Wednesday, after work I called to confirm I'd be by his place, he cancelled. He was going climbing. Maybe I could come a different day? Possibly Saturday? Heather and I had planned to go seawall walking that night, so we went anyway; after I unloaded everything from my truck back into the garage.

On Thursday afternoon, I had a doctor's appointment at 5 in Murrayville, so I made arrangements to spend the evening with Donna, who'd just moved into Murrayville. She'd recently had a birthday so we were going to celebrate. I got a call in the morning; my appointment had been moved to Dec 19. I drove out to Murrayville anyway.

On Friday night a friend and I were going to walk around Lafarge Lake and go out for hot chocolate afterwards. Late in the afternoon, she texted me that she was bagged and just wanted to stay home. Could we reschedule? I felt like going for a walk, so I went anyway.

I was going to meet a friend for a walk in Vancouver this (Saturday) afternoon, (and deliver all those garbage bags and Christmas baubles to Clint)  but she messaged me that she was tired. Could we try next weekend instead? And Clint never responded to my text, so. Sigh. But I went anyway. It's not raining. I feel like I should be outside.

And tomorrow? Sunday? Last week a friend said to save it for her. She wanted to walk with me. She'd call to confirm. But I haven't heard back so I'm assuming she ended up making other plans. Because that's just the way this entire week has gone. I will go for a walk by myself anyway.


It has been a good week.
I am totally fine driving hither and yon, by myself, enjoying the lights, sounds, views around me.

I sit in an office 40 hours a week.
I don't want to spend the winter months sitting in the basement.
These past 7 days have been a good practice run at being self-reliant. As I walked around Queen Elizabeth Park this afternoon, I was remembering back in high school when I stayed in a relationship with a boyfriend past it's expiry date because if we broke up I imagined I'd have to eat my lunch all by myself. A fate? Worse than death.

I've come a long way.


Three things I'm thankful for:

1. Parks and lakes and beaches and seawalls and city streets and open spaces and HUGE moons and sunsets and a reliable truck.

2. A camera that captures what my eye sees and what my heart feels.

3. I love that Netflix makes a whole season available at once. I have binged on The Crown. And loved every detail.

4. I LOVE tulips. Especially in the winter. Got these on Wed night, at Urban Fare in Olympic Village. Soooo pretty.

QE park. A little frosty-foggy:

Lafarge Lake:

Shalom, friends.

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