This is Nik and Celeste...
(Nik is my friend, Patty's son.)
They got married on Friday afternoon.
The venue for both the ceremony and reception was the Vancouver Heritage Hall.
Which is a beautiful building. But tricky to take photos in.
Patty's granddaughter was the flower girl |
This is Patty's other son, Pierce's girlfriend. |
And this is Patty's daughter. |
This was the lighting at the front of the hall. Blue disco lights shining on them from the sides, and a pink glow light from behind. This was the set up by the official photographer. I'm curious to see how his turned out.
Me and my friendzzzz.
I probably should have had Danica give me a curly head instead of another braid.
It's their anniversary on Tuesday.
I just love taking photos of happy people.
While watching Nik and Celeste exchange their vows I was thinking of my (great) Uncle Johnny and Aunt Agatha. And the vows they made, 57-ish years ago. Seeing I could only manage to stay married for 15 years, I'm always in awe and inspired by couples who go the distance. I know it's not easy; sometimes we (or they) are just unlovable. And yet, about 65% of us can forgive and love again, over and over again, for an entire lifetime:
... to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part ...
I visited Aunt Agatha in the hospital on Thursday night after work. She's a tiny, fragile bird who weighs about as much as my left leg. Uncle Johnny was tenderly covering her with warmed blankets and feeding her apple sauce. While I watched him put her eyedrops in I fought back tears. So gentle. So caring.
This isn't the first time he'd done this.
He's loved her for a lifetime.
As she settled, worried about how she looked, (despite us reassuring her that she was beautiful), he pulled a photo out of his wallet. "This is my Aggie." It was a picture of her just before they got married.
This is what love looks like.
It's unconditional.
Doesn't matter that things get wrinkled and droopy and soft and grey and worrisome. Those are just the parts that cover the important bits - the heart and the soul.
To be known, and loved. Whoa. What a gift.
Dear God,
Look after her OK? She's in pain... could you give her relief from that? Please fill her with peace. Thank you for her family; thank you that she's known what it's like to be loved. I pray Your will be done. Amen.
Coincidentally listening to Hootie and the Blowfish right now:
I want you to hold my hand
(Hold my hand)
I'll take you to the promised land
(Hold my hand)
Maybe we can't change the world but
I wanna love you the best that I can
The best that I can, yeah
🎝Take my hand. I want to love you the best I can. 𝅘𝅥𝅮
Is this our new normal?
Smokey skies and poor air quality (the worst in North America!) because of summer forest fires?
It takes the fun out of my favorite season.
We only have 6 - 8 weeks of summer during most summers and when we get a 'good' one (lots of sunny days in a row), hell reigns in the dry areas.
There will be no forest fires in heaven. Just endless sunny days with no negative environmental impact.
A family from Italy arrived in Vancouver this morning, rented a motorhome and drove up to Kamloops for a week of camping. But the smoke was too strong and they couldn't handle it, so they drove back down, and tried to find a camping spot at Cultus. Everything is full tonight. They ended up in Lindell Beach, hoping they could park by the side of the rode until morning but ... well. They're staying with me. Parking at the side of our place.
They are so very Italian and appreciative.
These past 7 days I've been participating in an online study (for which I'll get paid $225) about nutrition.
I know, right?
I don't know the nutritional difference between a cheezie and a carrot stick.
I've answered the same question (what is my nutritional philosophy and how to I live it out), about a hundred times. In one word answers, using paragraphs, using pictures, using personal photos, using metaphors ...
Plus I had to keep a diet journal, photographing everything I've eaten this past week. This past week I've been to two weddings, been out 4 nights with friends, and eaten leftovers for all other meals. The facilitator keeps asking me if this is typical. Haha.
I don't think I got an A on the project.
Three things I'm thankful for:
1. Glad that market research study is over. It was embarrassing.
2. It's still summer even though it feels like fall.
3. Safe travels for Clint. He's in Oxford, England right now, for work.
4. Max's diligence. He's worked full time all summer and successfully completed a math course as well.
5. Drew's work ethic. It's been an especially hot summer and he's been making pipe in sauna-like conditions. Proud of him.
6. Dani's styling skills. Follow her instagram account to see what she can do ...
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